[X] Understanding Things Better in [Y] [Z]

A Spatial Computing Design Lab

Digital Transformation. The Metaverse. These are more than just empty buzz words when applied to immersive Spatial Computing. New possibilities result from interacting with technology through the natural language of our hands and eyes in overlapping dynamic layers of nearly unlimited physical and digital creative space. Spatial Computing is now possible due to new advances in the realtime feedback between three systems : Software, Input, and Display technologies. Software systems that operate using 3D digital model representations of worldspace. Input systems that communicate human intention through 3D spatially controlled natural languages of motion. Display systems that let our eyes see a digital view of an enhanced reality surrounding us in 3D/360°. The intersection of these three systems advancing together in combination let Spatial Computing provide a fundamentally different way to interact with existing digital environments.

What will your Applications look like in 3D

Existing applications have been developed and optimized at great cost over years to deliver stable well understood services. What benefit can 3D possibly add ? The answer is a design question Sift3D can help provide. Sometimes there is no justifiable gain. But, in many cases, real tangible functionality enhancements are possible when the fundamental low level design limitations of 2D computing environments are enhanced by the additional possibilities of a wider/deeper 3D/360° interaction canvas. Windows are different. Menus are better. Search is improved. Immersive interactions with 2D applications when adapted to work inside 3D Spatial Computing environments by Sift3D will not only provide your users with completely new feature benefits — it will also provide the quality of life improvements possible from a more delightful and natural user experience. People will get things done better and smile while doing it.

What will your Data look like in 3D

Spatial Computing over the Immersive Web (W3C) or in Customized Off The Shelf (COTS) enterprise software packages allow complex information systems to be communicated in ways that brain science shows can connect with users on an emotional level through better understanding of 3D presentation spaces. Spatial Computing can communicate multiple layers of information at the same time using position, size, color, shading, shape, and motion in a natural visual language that fits within a human centered experience better than existing methods. Even simple 2D data, when displayed with agency in 3D environments, can make personal connections with information more meaningful for your audience. People just understand things better in 3D.

See your Data in 3D Stories

Start your Digital Transformation into 3D with Sift3D

Sift3D specializes in helping you understand how this wave of Mixed, eXtended, Virtual, and Augmented Realities in combination with general Spatial Computing using 3D technology will affect your business today and in the coming future. We have a precise method to asses any existing applications or data sets and determine where gains can be realized on a roadmap. Sift3D will also implement on a wide range of Spatial Computing designs to deliver better functional outcomes that are also better user experiences.